Reformation Day Traditions | Celebrating Holidays
Reformation Day Traditions
Here are some creative ideas to help you build fun and meaningful Reformation Day traditions. I hope that these ideas help to make your family celebrations special!
You can learn about the beginning of the Reformation and its connection to Halloween on our Halloween and Reformation Day page. To better understand the key theological points of the Reformation, you can read about the “5 Solas” on Christianity. For a brief summary of the Reformation by one of my favorite pastors, John Piper, see “What are the 5 Solas?” on Desiring God.
Here are some ideas for celebrating Reformation Day:
1. Read about the Reformation: Learn more about the Reformation through some of these great books for kids . . .
John Calvin: For ages 7-10; this beautifully illustrated book introduces young readers to the life, thought, and work of one of the most famous Reformers of the Christian church.
Martin Luther: For ages 4-8; this author creatively weaves quotes from King’s writing and speeches into her narrative about his life.
Reformation Heroes: Great for family reading; this book gives the history of more than 30 people who contributed to the Reformation.
For adults, I recommend two popular biographies on Martin Luther: Here I Stand by Roland Bainton and Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World by Eric Metaxas.
2. Watch a Movie about Martin Luther: Learn about the Reformation through these movies. I am excited to share the the Torchlighter Heroes of the Faith series is currently FREE on RedeemTM where you can find episodes about William Tyndale (a pre-Reformer), Martin Luther, and a great documentary about the Reformation called “This Changed Everything.”
Martin Luther (Torchlighter Series): Just 34 minutes long, this Torchlighter series movie is great for the whole family. Also, it is FREE for Amazon Prime members!
Martin Luther (1950): Made in the 1950s, this story of Martin Luther is considered a classic.
Luther (2004): The 2-hour PG-13 movie may not be appropriate for the whole family, but it is highly acclaimed and worth watching with older children.
3. Sing “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”:
A YouTube video with lyrics can be found on our hymn page for “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
4. Create Fun Food for Reformation Day: Here are some fun food ideas for Reformation Day.
5. Make a Craft for Reformation Day: Here are a few fun craft ideas for Reformation Day.
6. Color Pages for Reformation Day: See our Reformation Day Coloring page for some great coloring projects.
7. Play Games for Reformation Day: For some fun Reformation Day game ideas, see Grace Filled Living.
For more ideas, check out my Reformation Day page on Pinterest.
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